Showing 1 - 8 of 8 Results
Transforming Evangelism The Wesleyan Way of Sharing Faith by Knight, Henry H., III, Powe... ISBN: 9780881774856 List Price: $12.00
Celebrating Holy Week in a Post-Holocaust World by Knight, Henry F. ISBN: 9780664229023 List Price: $20.00
Transforming Community: The Wesleyan Way to Missional Congregations by Henry H. Knight III, F Doug... ISBN: 9780881777543 List Price: $15.00
Uses and Abuses of Knowledge Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Scholars' Conference on the Holo... by Knight, Henry F., Littell, ... ISBN: 9780761806295 List Price: $85.50
Confessing Christ in a Post-Holocaust World: A Midrashic Experiment by Knight, Henry F., Garber, Zev ISBN: 9781597526289 List Price: $26.00
Evangelizaci�n Transformadora : Manera Wesleyana de Compartir la Fe by Powe, F. Douglas, Knight, H... ISBN: 9780881779677 List Price: $10.00
World of O. Henry : Five One-Act Plays by Knight, Jesse F., Henry, O. ISBN: 9780930962036 List Price: $3.50
When the Rainbow Breaks : HOPE in the Art of Samuel Bak by Bak, Samuel, Knight, Henry ... ISBN: 9781879985308 List Price: $50.00